Puean Ta-lay


Seafood lovers should not miss to check out seafood delicious menus and Southern style menus at Puen Talay seafood restaurant in Maung Thong Thani. You can fully enjoy a full range of fresh seafood selection with special offer for IMPACT Event Calendar application users, get a free bottle of drink (non-alcohol) at Puan Talay seafood restaurant from July - December 2019.

Address and Location:

Bond Street Road, Muang Thong Thani

Opening hours daily from 11:00-22:00 hrs.

08-3883-1118, 02-960-0273


Muang Thong Thani

“Muang Thong Thani City of Life” brims with recreational facilities that are fully integrated with destinations attractions along with the genesis of the dinning landmark, making the Muang Thong Thani City most admired destination for any occasion.

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